1. Can I Print Your Maps

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for the particular map backgrounds you are using, you can normally find the map background type and the bottom right or left of the map.

For Apple Map Backgrounds refer to Apple's T&C's:-

Apple Maps Terms of Use

For Google Map Backgrounds refer to Google's Prining T&C's:-

Google Map Printing Terms and Conditions

For Bing Map Backgrounds refer to Bing's Printing T&C's:-

Bing (Microsoft) Map Printing Terms and Conditions

For Ordnance Survey Backgrounds refer to Ordnance Survey T&C's:-

Ordnance Survey Terms and Conditions

For OpenStreetMap (OSM) Map Backgrounds (If in doubt use an OpenStreetMap background as the maps are open by design and have the most lenient terms (essentially only requiring attribution which is automatically added to the bottom right of the map when it is printed):-

OpenStreetMap Copyright and License

2. Your Base Maps Have Change From Google - What Happen?

Unfortunately Google have vastly increaded the cost of their maps, at short notice, which made it impossible for us to continue to use as a free service. We will be bringing the Google maps facility back in the future but as a paid service (this is the only way we can do this unfortunately) for those who need them.

Our base map continues to be free but bear with us while we implement our new Apple maps in a very short period of time.

You can also use our Ordnance Survey maps map view which can be used if you have broswer compatabilty issues with the new maps.

Thanks for your patience while we build up our functionality for our new map suppliers.

Common questions about the new base maps:-

1. Where is Streetview or the Peg Man

Unfortunately, there is no direct replacement for that functionality at the moment. You can use our Bing map version of the site which has a Birdseye view and a Streetside view (the Streetaide view is a Streetview equivalent but has limited availability at the moment and is only available in larger city's such as London). You can also use the Google Map (external) link on any point to jump directly to Google Maps at that point and use Streetview from there.

2. Where Are The Measure Tools

The measure tools are now built in to the drawing tools on the left of the map. Draw a line or area shape and the usual measurements will be displayed along with the drawing, click on the line or area shape again to bring the measurements back up again if you have several.

3. The Maps or Site Does Not Display

This is most likely an issue of Javascript being disabled in your browser. For our site to operate Javascript needs to be enabled. If you are using Internet Explorer browser try swapping to a more modern browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge. In Internet Explorer, if you can, try enabling Javascript as follows Enable Javascript in Internet Explorer.

4. What's Different about UK Grid Reference Finder

Most other mapping sites only give the global WGS84 longitude and latitudes and not the Ordnance Survey Grid Reference known as OSGB36 (Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936) as appears on Ordnance Survey maps. By right-clicking on the UK Grid Reference Finder map you can get the full Ordnance Survey Grid Reference - nice and easy!

5. How Do I Find a Grid Reference

Enter Your Post Code or street, town address in the left panel to find your desired location, then Right Click on the Map to Mark the Grid Reference Point, then Hover Over the Pin to Show the Grid Reference

You can use the following URL and options (base map)

An X Y location e.g. :-

You can use the following URL and options (OS map)

An X Y location e.g. :-

A Grid Reference e.g. :-
https://gridreferencefinder.com/index.php?gr=TQ 30103 79910

A Post Code e.g. :-
https://gridreferencefinder.com/index.php?pc=NE8 1HH

An Address Location e.g. :-
https://gridreferencefinder.com/index.php?pc=10 downing street, london

A Latitude and Longitude e.g. :-

Add a Window Title by adding &t=title to the url e.g. :-
https://gridreferencefinder.com/index.php?lt=51.505505&lg=-0.07533989&v=b&t=tower bridge

You can make multiple point URL links for maps using Grid References in this format:-


This link breaks down as, start with:-
then for each point (separated by a comma):-
which is Grid Reference|<point description>|<pin colour (a digit 1 to 9)>
then at the end specify the map view:-
&v=r : road view
&v=h : hybrid aerial view

You can make multiple point URL links for maps using XY co-ordinates in this format (base map):-

https://gridreferencefinder.com/?xy=427675|561912|My New Point|0,427726|562026|Another_Point|0

You can make multiple point URL links for maps using XY co-ordinates in this format (OS map):-

https://gridreferencefinder.com/os.php?xy=427675|561912|My New Point|0,427726|562026|Another_Point|0

This link breaks down as, start with:-
then for each point (separated by a comma):-
427675|561912|My New Point|0
which is X|Y|<point description>|<pin colour (a digit 1 to 9)>
then at the end specify the map view:-
&v=r : road view
&v=h : hybrid aerial view

The above links can be made mobile friendly by using "https://m.gridreferencefinder.com/#/" rather than "https://gridreferencefinder.com/" at the beginning of the link.

8. How Do I Display The Grid Reference for a Post Code

Search for the post code using the post code search box on the left, hover over the pin placed on the map for that post code to see the grid reference.

9. How Do I Find The Post Code for a Grid Reference

Search for the grid reference (or any of the other search options) using the search boxes on the left, hover over the pin to display details of the location, then click on the display post code link.

Alternatively you can click on the post code icon (it looks like a round "i") in the list of points at the bottom of the screen.

A what3Words search takes the form of 3 words separated by full stops e.g. logic.twin.blunt

Each 3 word combination identifies a 3 metre sqaure see details here What3words (wikipedia)

Enter the two OSGB (Ordnance Survey Great Britain) Co-Ordinates X = Eastings Y = Northings e.g. X = 492983 Y = 188837

Enter the WGS84 Co-Ordinates latitude and longitude values (as given by GPS units or Google Maps) in decimal format e.g. Lat = 53.870659 Long=-1.200235

If using Google Earth you will need to switch to decimal latitude and longitude in Google Earth Options settings instead of the default DMS (Degrees, Minutes and Seconds) format

Place a point on the map via a search and / or right clicking on the map, then click on the link icon (it looks like a chain link) next to the point in the table list of points at the bottom of the screen. You can then copy the link URL for that point.

Place your points on the map, then press the "Link for All Points" at the bottom of the map, you can then copy (press Ctrl-c) the text displayed to save the URL link for all the points to the clipboard.

15. How Do I Save All My Points to Excel

Place your points on the map, then press the "Export Points to Excel" at the bottom of the map, you can now copy (press Ctrl-c) the text displayed an copy it in to Excel to store all the location details for that point as well as a URL link.

16. How Do I Convert between Lat/Long (WGS84), Grid Reference and X,Y Coordinates

Search for your point using the coordinates that you have (use the search facility on the left of the main page), a point (pin) will be placed on the map for the point you searched for, it will give all 3 coordinate types when you hover your cursor over the pin - the conversion has been done for you!.

Yes. Please do. Providing it is freely available to the public and you do not intentionally obscure the ads on our site, there is no charge, fees or licenses required.

18. How Do I Calculate The Bearing and Distance Between Two Points

Click on the "Measure" button at the top right of the map. Right or left click on the map for the first point (right clicking leaves a grid reference pin, left clicking just draws a line), click on another point on the map for the second point then stop drawing by pressing "Esc" or pressing the "Stop Drawing" button in the measurement and drawing tool dialog panel. The section length will give the distance and bearing (angle in degrees) between the two points.

19. Can I find the height or elevation of a point or route

Yes - select the points or route on the map that you wish to find an elevation chart or height information for. Then just below the map press the "Elevation Chart" button, an elevation chart will then open in a new window giving the ground height information.

The elevation chart gives a continous graphical representation of the ground height for a straight line route between those points.

You can change between metric and Imperial measurements by clicking on the selector below the chart. Also the table below the chart gives the height and distance between points in a tabular form.

20. Can I find the height or elevation of a point or route

Yes - select the points or route on the map that you wish to find an elevation chart or height information for. Then just below the map press the "Elevation Chart" button, an elevation chart will then open in a new window giving the ground height information.

The elevation chart gives a continous graphical representation of the ground height for a straight line route between those points.

You can change between metric and Imperial measurements by clicking on the selector below the chart. Also the table below the chart gives the height and distance between points in a tabular form.

21. How do I use right click on an Apple Mac

There should be a right click combination on all Macs. For Macs with touch pads e.g. MacBook Pro and Macbook Air etc. you get the right click by pressing the touch pad with two fingers at once. For Macs with the single button mouse e.g. the iMac you press on the right part of the mouse button to get the right click.

You can sometimes press 'control' and mouse click at the same time to produce a right click.

The right click can be enabled in System Preferences => Trackpad => Point and click and tick the box next to Secondary click. The grid reference will now be given when you tap the map with two fingers

If this does not work for your particular Apple Mac (older hardware) you can always use Google to search for your Mac hardware and "right click" this normally gets you the key combination for right click.

22. How do I Correct Your Maps (My House Location or Farm Name etc.)

We rely on Google for our base map data and corrections should be made through them, that way it will not only correct the data for our site but also Google itself. To do that, if you open up the website Google maps https://www.google.co.uk/maps , then find/navigate to your required location, they have a link at the bottom right of the screen "Send Feedback", if you click on this you can feedback to Google any errors in their maps and we will pick them up as soon as they have corrected them.

23. How Do I Delete or Edit a Drawing Shape (Circle, Square or Line from the Drawing Tool Bar Shape)

If you draw a shape or shapes with the drawing tool, stop drawing by pressing the grab button (left most button on the drawing tool bar), you can then left-click on any shape to enter edit mode on the shape where you can drag the shape or resize it. When the shape is selected a delete icon will appear at the right of the drawing tool bar, click on this to delete that shape. Left-clicking on the map will deselect the shape and exit edit mode

24. Can I find an Irish Grid Reference

You can find an Irish grid reference using your sister site Irish Grid Reference Finder.